Kata - Kata Galau Versi Bahasa Inggris - Galau mungkin pernah kita alami dalam keseharian kita, perasaan galau juga memang tak dipungkiri, dan akan selalu menjadi bebas pikiran di mana kita berada. Penyebab galau diantaranya yaitu salah satunya adalah ditinggal oleh pacar atau di putuskan oleh pacar, dll.

kata-kata galau versi bahasa inggris juga memliki essensial lain. Selain dapat mengimajinasikan kegalauan kita dalam bentuk kata-kata. Nah disini saya sudah mempunya beberapa kata galau versi bahasa inggris, sobat Riever's mau lihat ? Yuk intip di bawah ini.
The best feelling in the world is realizing that you are perfectly happy without the thing once you thoughy you needed the most
New style of break up !!
A bf Threw 6 cricket balls at his Gf
girld yelled "what was that for" .. :O
Boy said "its over" :P
I always thought that luv can melt d pain away no matter how painful it is
But I never thought that pain can also melt luv away no mater how great it is
"My Pain May Be The Reason For Somebody's Laugh , But My Laugh Must Never Never Be The Reason For Anybody's Pain" !!
Time, Health, Friends and Relations,
Do not come with a price tag,
But when we lost them, We Realize the cost.
So, Treat them carefully.
"Belive in what u know about me and not what u heard about me;-)
At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in ur life.
Dont trust someone so deeply
that afterward it will hurt u so much .
Demikianlah kata-kata galau versi bahasa inggris yang bisa saya bagikan. Jika ada kesalahan, saya mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. Terima kasih.
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